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Description: These notes are helpful in studying the Wall Street Trades that were the primary objests of attention. In the recent years, everyone wants to rule Wall Street but they are not having proper experience and knowledge as their predecessors which is given in these notes. So, you don`t have to google it anymore.

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I, RHYTHM ARORA hereby affirm that the project entitled “BULLS OF WALL STREET: A
LEAGUE OF EXTRAORDINARY MEN” is my original work and I have done a lot of hard
work in preparing the project and no part of it has been copied from elsewhere

And lastly but not least I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my parents
who always supported and boosted my moral throughout the course of this study


For that reason, among
others, the trades that do become a part of history have to be incredibly epic

A really great trade is something that happens when a trader uses all their cunning and
intuition to find just the right moment to strike — sometimes when everyone else thinks
they're out of their mind
That takes intelligence, conviction, and grit
According to Benjamin Graham, a founding father of the value investing
movement, "an investment must promise "safety of principal and an adequate return
Traders are either professionals (institutional) working in a financial institution
or a corporation, or individual (retail)
Several categories and designations
for diverse kinds of traders are found in finance, these may include:

Day trader

Floor trader

High-frequency trader

Pattern day trader

Rogue trader

Stock trader

Investors make informed decisions after careful analysis of the business fundamentals of a

The best thing about being a trader is the independence


Page 4

In the early 2000s, it was not uncommon for people to quit their jobs, empty their 401(k)
plans and actively trade for a living from the comfort of their homes
However, this golden age has
come and gone

High-frequency trading, carried out by computers running incredibly complex algorithms,
now account for between 50 and 70% of trade volume on any given day of trading
They must also overcome
significantly higher transaction costs and competition with super-computers

To an outsider, the life of a day trader may seem glamorous—watching the market minute by
minute, waiting for the perfect opportunity to make vast amounts of money in a single trade
Long hours, low returns and inconsistent income
comprise the other side of a day trader’s life
If you have nothing to add, nobody is going to

However, this list is made up of traders famous for being traders
The list begins with
legendary traders of history and progresses to those of the present day
Not only do they
endure high pressure and stress, they also have to ensure they keep their emotions at bay

They research potential stocks constantly
Just as professional
athletes, they spend a significant portion of their training off the field reviewing their prior
performances, traders must review their past trades and behaviours
They are also starting up their own investment management businesses
and entrepreneurial ventures that aim to shake up the financial services sector
7-mile-long (1

Over time, the term has become a metonym for the financial markets of the United States as a
whole, the American financial sector (even if financial firms are not physically located there),
or signifying New York-based financial interests

Several other major exchanges have or had headquarters in the Wall Street area, including
the New York Mercantile Exchange, the New York Board of Trade, and the former American
Stock Exchange
During this era, development of the financial district stagnated, and Wall
Street "paid a heavy price" and "became something of a backwater in American life

Though he really couldn't have foreseen the quake itself, the trade bagged him $250,000, and
gave him a taste for short-selling
Then he made $3 million shorting wheat in 1925

It also witnessed Black Monday refers to Monday, October 19, 1987, when stock
markets around the world crashed, shedding a huge value in a very short time
The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) fell

Page 6

exactly 508 points to 1,738

Using technical analysis and historical S&P data, Paul Tudor Jones correctly predicted that
the market was going to crash in 1987, and proceeded to massively short stocks

The terms Black Monday and Black Tuesday are also respectively applied to October 28 and
October 29, 1929, which occurred after Black Thursday on October 24, which started
the Stock Market Crash of 1929
The period of the Great Moderation, to use
Federal Reserve Chairman Bernanke's words, ended in 2007 and ushered in a new era of
heightened volatility

As a result, there is a renewed interest in the style of trading that's best described as making
huge, concentrated bets by analyzing fundamental economic/business conditions

Paulson's successful trade also prompted talks about it being the greatest of all time

The list also includes explanations of the rankings, which were determined by the importance
of the underlying events, how much money the trades likely made, and the difficulty and
exclusivity of the analyses
Tudor Jones gained notoriety after making around $100 million
from shorting stocks during the 1987 market crash
Jones was able to predict the
multiplying effect that portfolio insurance would have on a bear market
Thus, in a bear market, more and more investors will choose to employ
their put options and drive the market down even further
Jones is worth roughly $3

George Soros (1930-Present)
Hungarian-born George Soros (born 1930) is the chairman of Soros Fund Management, one
of the most successful firms in the history of the hedge fund industry
In 1992, Soros made roughly $1 billion in a
bet that the British pound would depreciate in value

With the help of his associates at his hedge fund, the Quantum Investment Fund, Soros
noticed that the pound was not fundamentally strong enough to stay in the ERM, and built up
a short position to the tune of $10 billion


Page 8

John Paulson (1955-Present)
John Paulson (born 1955), of the hedge fund Paulson & Co

Praised by some for executing the "greatest trade ever," John Paulson made his fortune in
2007 by shorting the real estate market by way of the collateralized-debt obligation market
in 1994 and was relatively unknown on Wall Street - that is,
up to the financial crisis that began in 2007
7 billion

First, he bet big on the largest economic event of the last 70 years and earned billions doing
Indeed, compared to other trades on the list,
Paulson's prediction is one of the most exclusive

Today, Paulson continues to manage Paulson & Co

The Bottom Line

Jones, Soros and Paulson all have one thing in common: their most lucrative trades were
highly leveraged shorts
Traders have every incentive to
profit off of an imbalanced financial market, often at the expense of every other market
Should they have this
capability? Well, that's for legislatures to decide

When government officials and the heads of the top investment banks convened
meetings this weekend to find a buyer for the near-bankrupt Lehman Brothers, it was
Thain's ailing Merrill Lynch who walked away with a marriage

The former Goldman Sachs president and head of the New York Stock Exchange had
been travelling the country hosting town hall meetings to answer questions and calm
worried Merrill employees
A bankrupt Lehman would only send more shockwaves through the market

With $45 billion in write downs since CEO Stanley O'Neal's departure and 4,000 layoffs,
the man known as Mr
It cobbled together an 11th hour deal to avoid Lehman's fate

Smith, professor of finance at New York University's Stern business school, who worked
with Thain at Goldman Sachs
Analysts predict Thain will likely leave after completing the acquisition he orchestrated

"He has been close to John McCain for a long time," says Smith

Ken Lewis
Thain saved Merrill, but it was Bank of America's Ken Lewis who emerged with the prize


Page 10

Its reach will touch almost every aspect of finance, from credit cards to merger advice to car

Merrill might seem just the latest acquisition in a long line of buyouts Lewis orchestrated in
the last four years, including a recent and controversial bailout of the troubled mortgage
house Countrywide
Now he owns the Thundering
Herd, Merrill's 17,000 sales brokers who will join Bank of America's smaller shop to form
Merrill Lynch Wealth Management
Merrill effectively gives
Bank of America a preeminent, global investment-banking business overnight, something
Lewis could have spent a decade creating
But most analysts predict the two firms will make a good fit
Fuld bought up mortgage-backed derivatives last summer, even though
Lehman had been primarily a bond-trading specialist, hoping to make a mint when the
housing crisis passed
Having steered the investment bank through a few near-death
episodes since assuming the top job when the firm spun off from American Express in 1994,
Fuld's love and loyalty of Lehman may have caused him to underestimate the degree of the
current crisis

The 62 year-old spent last week holed up on the 31st floor of Lehman's midtown
headquarters, in desperate search of a buyer
Fuld rebuffed the offer as too cheap
The notes were not nice


Page 11

Robert Willumstad
American International Group (AIG)'s CEO for all of three months has to find a way to raise
cash fast — as much as $75 billion — after being zapped with a handful of credit rating

Willumstad came to AIG in 2006 after working at Citigroup for almost 20 years
Willumstad promised to turn things around, even calling on
Greenberg for guidance
Its underwriting
of complex debt securities or credit default swaps, which are used to back mortgages, is an
underlying reason why the company has tanked during the housing crisis

The Federal Reserve reached out to Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan Chase, hoping to
convince them to extend as much as $70 to $75 billion in loans to AIG

Henry Paulson
Everyone assumed a government bailout would keep Lehman Brothers afloat
He was so
determined to stand his ground that he spent Tuesday and Wednesday of last week calling
Wall Street honchos to let them know where the buck stopped
His message: you have 48 hours to work things out
among yourselves

Expecting a government bailout was natural for Wall Street
Together they own or guarantee more than $5
But Paulson
was getting tired of using taxpayer dollars to repair Wall Street's mistakes
Amid mounting

Page 12

pressure, Paulson stuck to his guns, reassured by the belief the market had had plenty of time
to adjust to Lehman's troubles
But there's an argument to be made that the entire banking mess is
bigger than both of these Washington players
The market might simply have to play itself out
He successfully shorted
the 1929 market crash, building his fortune to $100 million

€ William Delbert Gann: WD Gann (1878–1955) was a trader who used market
forecasting methods based on geometry, astrology, and ancient mathematics
As well as
trading, Gann wrote a number of books and courses
(born 1942) is the Chairman of Rogers Holdings
Rogers is renowned for his correct bullish
call on commodities in the 1990's and also for his books detailing his adventurous
world travels
Dennis (born 1949) made his mark in the trading
world as a highly successful Chicago-based commodities trader
Along with
partner William Eckhardt, Dennis was co-creator of the mythical Turtle Trading
In 2013, SAC was charged
by the Securities and Exchange Commission with failing to prevent insider trading
and later agreed to pay a $1

David Tepper: David Tepper (born 1957) is the founder of the wildly successful
hedge fund Appaloosa Management

€ Nick Leeson: Nicholas Leeson (born 1967) is the rogue trader who famously
caused the collapse of Barings Bank


Page 14

These people started their career as a trader and founded their own business firms which are
leading the economy today

Warren Edward Buffett was born in 1930 in Omaha, Nebraska, of distant French
Huguenot descent
He is
the most successful investor in the world

He was ranked as the world's wealthiest person in 2008 and as the third wealthiest in 2015

Buffett is often referred to as the "Wizard of Omaha" or "Oracle of Omaha," or the "Sage of
Omaha," and is noted for his adherence to value investing and for his
personal frugality despite his immense wealth
On April 11, 2012, he was
diagnosed with prostate cancer, for which he successfully completed treatment in September

Buffett began his education at Rose Hill Elementary School
Buffett displayed an interest in business and investing at a young age
He worked in his grandfather's grocery store
On his first income tax return in 1944, Buffett
took a $35 deduction for the use of his bicycle and watch on his paper route
Within months, they owned
several machines in 3 different barber shops across Omaha

Buffett's interest in the stock market and investing dated to schoolboy days he spent in the
customers' lounge of a regional stock brokerage near his father's own brokerage office

At 11, he bought three shares of Cities Service Preferred for himself, and three for his sister
Doris Buffett (founder of The Sunshine Lady Foundation)
In high school, he invested in a business owned by his father and bought a 40acre farm worked by a tenant farmer
By the time he finished college, Buffett had accumulated a princely
sum of more than $90,000 in savings measured in 2009 dollars
He would
have preferred to focus on his business ventures; however, he enrolled due to pressure from
his father
then transferred to the University of Nebraska–Lincoln where at nineteen, he graduated with
a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
He earned a Master of
Science in Economics from Columbia in 1951

Buffett worked from 1951 to 1954 at Buffett-Falk & Co
as a securities analyst; from 1956 to 1969 at Buffett
Partnership, Ltd

By 1950, at 20, Buffett had made and saved $9,800 (over $96,000 inflation adjusted for the
2014 USD)
Taking a train to Washington, D
on a Saturday, he knocked on the door
of GEICO's headquarters until a janitor admitted him


Page 16

Davidson would eventually become Buffett's lifelong friend and a lasting influence, and
would later recall that he found Buffett to be an "extraordinary man" after only fifteen
He offered to work for Graham for free, but Graham refused
Using what he learned, he felt confident enough to teach an "Investment
Principles" night class at University of Nebraska-Omaha
During this time he also purchased a Sinclair Texaco gas station as
a side investment

In 1952, Buffett married Susan Thompson at Dundee Presbyterian Church
In 1954, Buffett accepted a job at Benjamin Graham's
There he worked closely with Walter Schloss
He was
adamant that stocks provide a wide margin of safety after weighting the trade-off between
their price and their intrinsic value
That same year the Buffetts had their second child, Howard

At this time Buffett's personal savings were over $174,000 ($1

In 1957, Buffett operated three partnerships

In 1958, the Buffetts' third child, Peter Andrew, was born
In 1959, the company grew to six partnerships and Buffett met future
partner Charlie Munger
He asked one of his
partners, a doctor, to find ten other doctors willing to invest $10,000 each in his partnership

In 1961, Buffett revealed that Sanborn Map Company accounted for 35% of the partnership's
This meant that buyers valued Sanborn
stock at "minus $20" per share and were unwilling to pay more than 70 cents on the dollar for
an investment portfolio with a map business thrown in for nothing which earned him a spot
on Sanborn's board
He merged these
partnerships into one
He began buying shares in Berkshire from Seabury Stanton, the owner, whom he
later fired
60 per share
86 per share
while the company had working capital of $19 per share

Buffett took control of Berkshire Hathaway at a board meeting and named a new president,
Ken Chace, to run the company
He later claimed that the textile
business had been his worst trade

Buffett wrote in his letter: "

In a second letter, Buffett announced his first investment in a private business — Hochschild,
Kohn and Co, a privately owned Baltimore department store

In 1969, following his most successful year, Buffett liquidated the partnership and transferred
their assets to his partners

In 1970, Buffett began writing his now-famous annual letters to shareholders

In 1979, Berkshire began the year trading at $775 per share, and ended at $1,310

In 1973, Berkshire began to acquire stock in the Washington Post Company

In 1974, the SEC opened a formal investigation into Buffett and Berkshire's acquisition of
WESCO, due to possible conflict of interest

In 1977, Berkshire indirectly purchased the Buffalo Evening News for $32
charges started, instigated by its rival, the Buffalo Courier-Express

In 1979, Berkshire began to acquire stock in ABC
5 billion
purchase of ABC on March 18, 1985 surprising the media industry, as ABC was four times
bigger than Capital Cities at the time
The newly merged company, known as Capital Cities/ABC
(or CapCities/ABC), was forced to sell some stations due to U
Federal Communications
Commission ownership rules
, making it the largest
shareholder and Buffett a director
A rogue trader, Paul Mozer, was submitting bids in excess of
what was allowed by Treasury rules
Gutfreund left the company in August 1991

In 1988, Buffett began buying Coca-Cola Company stock, eventually purchasing up to 7% of
the company for $1
It would turn out to be one of Berkshire's most lucrative
investments, and one which it still holds


Page 19

In 1998, he acquired General Re (Gen Re) as a subsidiary in a deal that presented
difficulties—according to the Rational Walk investment website, "underwriting standards
proved to be inadequate," while a "problematic derivatives book" was resolved after
numerous years and a significant loss
Greenberg at AIG in 2002
On March 15, 2005, the AIG board forced Greenberg to resign from his
post as Chairman and CEO after New York state regulators claimed that AIG had engaged in
questionable transactions and improper accounting
6 billion fine
Gen Re also made a commitment to
implement "corporate governance concessions," which required Berkshire Hathaway’s Chief
Financial Officer to attend General Re’s audit committee meetings and mandated the
appointment of an independent director
By April 2006, his total gain on these contracts was over
US$2 billion

In 2007, in a letter to shareholders, Buffett announced that he was looking for a younger
successor, or perhaps successors, to run his investment business


Page 20

On August 14, 2014, the price of Berkshire Hathaway's shares hit US$200,000 a share for the
first time, capitalizing the company at US$328 billion
2 billion

In 2008 he was ranked by Forbes as the richest person in the world with an estimated net
worth of approximately US$62 billion
His net worth had risen to $58

Carlos Slim Helú was born on January 28, 1940, in Mexico City, Mexico,
to Maronite Catholic










of Lebanese descent

From 2010 to 2013, Slim was ranked as the richest person in the world

As of 3 November 2015 he was #2 on Forbes list of billionaires, with net worth estimated










companies Telmex and América Móvil, Latin America's largest mobile-phone carrier, which
accounted for around $49 billion of Slim's wealth by the end of 2010


Page 21

Slim has overseen a vast business empire that is influential in every sector of the Mexican
economy and accounts for 40% of the listings on the Mexican Stock Exchange, while his net
worth is equivalent to about 6 percent of Mexico’s gross domestic product

He received business lessons from his early childhood where his father Julian, often taught
the young Carlos the value of financial literacy, management and accountability, teaching
him how to read financial statements as well as the importance of keeping accurate financial
records, a practice that Slim carries on to this day
He eventually saved every
financial and business transaction he made into his personal ledger book which he keeps to
this day

By the age of 15, Slim had become a shareholder in Mexico’s largest bank

He went on to study civil engineering at the National Autonomous University of Mexico,
where he also concurrently taught algebra and linear programming, which meant that he was
both a student and professor
He took economics courses in Chile once he finished his
engineering degree


Page 22

In 1960s, after graduating from college in 1961, Slim began his career as a stock trader in
Mexico, often working 14-hour days

In addition, he also began laying the financial groundwork for Grupo Carso
In 1966, worth US$40 million, he founded
Inmobiliaria Carso
He later
expanded into numerous industries including auto parts, aluminium, airlines, chemicals,
tobacco, manufacturing of cables and wires, paper and packaging, copper and mineral
combustion, tires, cement, retail, hotels, beverage distributors, telecommunications and
financial services where Slim's Grupo Financiero Inbursa – which sells insurance and invests
the savings, mutual funds and pension plans of millions of ordinary Mexicans
In 1976, he branched out by acquiring a
60 percent share of Galas de México, a small printer of cigarette-pack labels
for US$1 million

In 1981, Slim acquired a majority stake in Cigarros la Tabacelera Mexicana (Cigatam),
Mexico's second largest producer and marketer of cigarettes, at a fire sale price
As many banks were struggling and
foreign investors were cutting back on investing and scurrying, Slim began investing heavily
and bought many flagship companies at depressed valuations

Having a keen investment eye for value, Slim adhered to his value investment practices with
a long history of buying stakes in companies he sees as undervalued

In addition, his conglomerate structure allows Slim to purchase numerous stakes that it is
made nearly recession proof if one sector of the economy doesn't do well

From the mid 1960s to the early 1980s, Slim and his growing family lived a modest life,
while earnings from Slim's many businesses were re-invested in expansion and more
He diversified methodically in numerous industry sectors
across the Mexican economy, investing in real estate, then a construction equipment
company, and mining companies

During the Mexican economic downturn before its recovery in 1985, Slim invested heavily

Slim spent US$13 million to buy insurance company Seguros de México in 1984, and later
absorbed the company into the firm, Seguros Inbursa
5 billion by 2007, after four spinoffs

He moved into financial services as well, buying Seguros de México and creating from it,
along with other purchases such as Fianzas La Guardiana and Casa de Bolsa Inbursa,
the Grupo Financiero Inbursa

In 1988 Slim bought the Nacobre group of companies, which trades in copper and aluminium
products, along with a chemicals business, Química Fluor, and others

In 1990 the Grupo Carso was floated as a public company initially in Mexico and then
This investment was assigned to an associated company, but in 1995
Grupo Carso began growing its equity stake to 83 percent and subsequently made it a

Slim was one of the initial investors of Telmex, the revenues of the company eventually
formed the bulk of Slim's wealth
2012, América Movil, Slim's mobile telephone company, had taken over Telmex and made it
into a privately held subsidiary

In 1996, Grupo Carso was split into three companies: Carso Global Telecom, Grupo Carso,
and Invercorporación

In July 1997, Grupo Carso agreed in principle to sell Procter & Gamble de México, a
subsidiary of The Procter & Gamble Co

In 1999, Slim began expanding his business interests beyond Latin America

In 2000s, Slim became a prominent figure within the American business scene by 2003 when
he began purchasing large stakes in a number of major US retailers such as Barnes & Noble,
OfficeMax, Office Depot, Circuit City, Borders, and CompUSA
He eyed towards
investing the United States where he set up Telmex USA and also acquired a stake
in Tracfone, a US cellular telephone company
During the same year, Slim had
heart surgery and subsequently passed on much of the day-to-day involvement in the
businesses to his children and their spouses

Since 2006, IDEAL won three infrastructure contracts yet it faces stiff competition from a
number of other Mexican and Spanish construction companies
During the same period, Empresas
obtained 18 Mexican projects valued at US$1


Page 26

Some of the projects IDEAL has been awarded include the Nezahualcoyotl development,
which is a landfill that was acquired for US$150 million by Slim to develop a shopping mall,
two schools, a hospital and a park on the site
1% stake in the Cigatam tobacco company, Slim reduced
his holdings by selling a large portion of his equity to Philip Morris for US$1

He licensed the Saks name and opened the Mexican arm of Saks Fifth Avenue in Santa Fe,

On December 8, 2007, Grupo Carso announced that the remaining 103 CompUSA stores
would be either liquidated or sold, bringing an end to the struggling company, although the
IT tech part of CompUSA continued under the name Telvista with U
locations in Dallas,
Texas (U
Corporate Office) and Danville, Virginia
After 28 years, Slim
became the Honorary Lifetime Chairman of the business
4% stake valued at $27 million in the troubled New York Times
Company, as the global recession and declining advertising revenues took a particularly
heavy toll on print-based "old media" companies across the United States
Slim's stake in the Times increased again to 16
9 million shares, making
him the largest shareholder in the company

In 2010s, Slim sold the broadcast rights for the Leon games to Telemundo in the United
States, and the cable channel Fox Sports in Mexico and the rest of Latin America and to the
website mediotiempo
The games are also broadcast on the Internet through
UNO TV, offered by Telmex

In March 2012, America Movil acquired the broadcast rights for the Olympic Games in Sochi
2014 and the Brazil 2016 for Latin America
In December 2012, he bought all
the shares of the second division team Estudiantes Tecos


Page 27

In April 2013 Slim entered the business of managing Mexican prisons to expand the
investments of his construction-financing company
The company ran his son,
Marco Antonio Slim would add the prisons to its portfolio of infrastructure assets among
which include toll roads, hydroelectric dams, and water-treatment plants

America Movil partnered with the company to aid its growth into advertising and television
and help the audio recognition service expand in Latin America

In December 2013 Slim's private equity fund, Sinca Inbursa, sold its stake in Mexican
pharmaceutical company Landsteiner Scientific
51 stake in the company
in June 2008 and represented 6
The private equity
fund's investments are mainly in transportation and infrastructure and the fund had total
market cap of 5

On April 23, 2014, Slim took control of Telekom Austria, Austria's biggest phone carrier,
which has telcos in countries such as Bulgaria, Croatia and Belarus, under a 10-year
agreement, was Slim's first successful business acquisition in Europe

In January 2015 Grupo Carso publicly launched Claro Musica, an online music service that is
a Latin American equivalent of iTunes and Spotify
In March
2015 Slim began to set his sights on Spain, purchasing Spanish real estate at rock-bottom
prices within the ailing Spanish economy
On July 25, 2015, Slim's investment group Control
Empresarial de Capitales invested in IMatchative, a technology startup that ranks the world's
hedge funds creating in-depth behavioral profiles and business analytics
Studio, a
fashion line for young women, will expand into a standalone retailer chain that will compete
with elite fashion retailers across the globe
Studio is expected to
compete with a myriad of well-known multinational fast-fashion retailers such
as H&M, Forever 21, Zara and C&A
1 billion compared



On August 4, 2007, The Wall Street Journal ran a cover story profiling Slim
According to The Wall Street
Journal, Slim credits part of his ability to "discover investment opportunities" early to the
writings of his friend, futurist author Alvin Toffler
Slim's estimated fortune soared to US$59 billion, based on the value of his
public holdings at the end of July

On March 5, 2008, Forbes ranked Slim as the world's second-richest person, behind Warren
Buffett and ahead of Bill Gates

On March 10, 2010, Forbes once again reported that Slim had overtaken Gates as the world's
richest person, with a net worth of US$53
At the time, Gates and Buffett had a net
worth of US$53 billion and US$47 billion respectively
It was the first time in 16 years that the person on top of the list was not from the
United States
Between 2008 to 2010, Slim more than doubled his net worth from $35
to $75 billion


Page 29

In December 2012, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index, Carlos Slim Helú
remained the world's richest person with an estimated net worth of US$75

On March 5, 2013, Forbes stated that Slim was still maintaining his first-place position as the
wealthiest person in the world, with an estimated net worth of US$73 billion

On July 15, 2014, Forbes announced that Slim had reclaimed the position of the wealthiest
person in the world, with a fortune of US$79

In September 2014, Forbes listed Slim as number 1 on its list of billionaires with a net worth
of US$81

These are the people who made their own fortune
Most of the people have a
common mindset i
play (childhood), study (teenage & youth), earn (youth & old age),
retirement (old age) and finally death but they created their own mindset

They started from the bottom and reached the top
They were same as every other trader but when it comes to closing of
the register, their names appear at the top with millions in their accounts
), still they are the true bulls of stock market
matter what they still got money in their bank
And at last they are just traders like every
other trader


Page 30


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Page 31

Description: These notes are helpful in studying the Wall Street Trades that were the primary objests of attention. In the recent years, everyone wants to rule Wall Street but they are not having proper experience and knowledge as their predecessors which is given in these notes. So, you don`t have to google it anymore.